For me, photography wasn’t about high-tech cameras and high quality photos; it was about simply taking pictures as a way of interacting with my environment and doing so artistically. It was a way of capturing a moment in time, and sharing that moment with the people in my life.

One day, I discovered a smartphone app called Paper Artist where I could edit photos I had taken as if I were painting them as pictures. While navigating the app, I thought it was a fun and simple tool to use with a large range of creative effects. 

A few years later, I began pondering photography as a career that I could explore more seriously. Since then, I’ve realized the more I explore it, the more I like it, and the more I develop both my artistic and technical abilities with the camera. 

I remember realizing that something does not immediately become interesting just because it was photographed, but it’s the way it’s photographed that creates a special moment. There is so much that I’ve learned about this craft, from selecting proper lighting and capturing a spontaneous moment to editing a photo with an eye for detail. I never thought something so simple as taking a picture could be such a creative endeavor.

Photography is one of those professions where talent and passion makes reality come to life. It is an endeavor which allows me to capture moments that will be lasting memories.

– J